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Moving Boxes Recycling


Moving Boxes Recycle or Reuse 

All Supplies For Moving cardboard boxes are made from 100% recycled material. This is important to know, because when you are moving you can rest assured that you are supporting the use of recycled products when buying boxes from Supplies For Moving. This helps our environment.

However, many people do a good thing by purchasing recycled products like Supplies For Moving's moving boxes, and moving supplies, and then just throw them in the trash when they are finished.This does not help our planet.

The great news is after you move into your new home, you can recycle your boxes by either by reusing them or recycling them. You can also recycle your kitchen packing paper, and your padded packing wrap. This beautiful planet is the only one we have, so while we are moving, lets get our boxes moving into a good cause.

Reuse or Recycle Your Moving Boxes

Every city in the United States provides EASY and cost effective ways to recycle moving boxes. If each person took 5 minutes to figure out where they could drop off corrugated boxes in their local city, and/or have them picked up from the recycling company, this would help eliminate boxes from being deposited in the trash and our landfills. If we all did this every time we moved, it would drastically help improve our environment and help stop global warming.

Some recycling centers will even PAY YOU for your recycled moving boxes!

How to Recycle Moving Boxes

1. Curbside Pickup of Moving Boxes:

Call your local recycling company in the new city you moved to and find out how to recycle boxes in your local area. Some cities offer curbside pickup of moving boxes, while others do not provide the service. Many cities require that you make an appointment to have moving boxes picked up.


Sometimes people think they are recycling their moving boxes when they put them on the curb and they are picked up. However, in many cities if you don’t make an appointment to pick them up by the recycling company, it is the trash company that actually picks them up. NOT the recycling company. So you think you are recycling when you are not!  

2. Recycling Centers:

Make a quick phone call and find out if there are local recycling areas where you can drop off your moving boxes to be recycled.  It is easy to locate these areas by going to Earth911.

Go to Earth 911 and type in “boxes” and the city you live in. It will tell you local places that recycle moving boxes.

Find Local Recycling Center in Your City

Our Moving Kits are specially designed to accomodate any of your packing needs, from 1 room to 10 rooms residence. They include moving boxes, packing supplies and helpful tools to satisfy your packing needs.
Our Box Bundles have standard amount of each box and vary with quantity. It is perfect addition to any Moving Kit or if you run out of boxes during the packing process.
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